How Do I Request a Refund?
If you want to request a refund, please follow the instructions below:
Step 1: Go to the Support Center. Click the "Refund/Exchanges" button.

Step 2: Enter your order number and click "Confirm".

Note: If you don't know what your order number is. Please check your registration information email or log into your Wondershare ID account to find your order number.

Step 3: After you enter your order number and click the "Confirm" button, the system will confirm and list your purchase information. Now, you need enter your refund information below:
- Problem Type: Select one of the listed problems. If you can't find the proper one, just choose any one of them.
- Title: Just simply describe your purpose, such as "I want to exchange a pruduct" or "I request a refund".
- Please provide additional details: Just describe your purpose simply.
- Upload a screenshot: It's optional.
- Card holder name: Enter the Card holder for the payment you made.
- Licensed Email: enter the licensed email for this product.
Finally, just click the "Submit" button and our customer service representative will contact you within 1 - 2 working days.